Business Book Review: The Scout Mindset
I’m a tiny bit impressed with myself. I probably shouldn’t be. See, I read The Scout Mindset by Julia Galef, and I only once thought,…
I’m a tiny bit impressed with myself. I probably shouldn’t be. See, I read The Scout Mindset by Julia Galef, and I only once thought,…
This is from my weekly email series, The Weekly Mixtape. I’d appreciate it if you did this right and subscribed. And don’t forget to check your…
This week, I got a message on LinkedIn that I haven’t gotten in what feels like an eternity: “Hey Tim, it looks like we know…
This is from my weekly email series, The Weekly Mixtape. I’d appreciate it if you did this right and subscribed. And don’t forget to check your…
Recently, I’ve been spending a bit too much time on Quora answering tax questions. It’s surprisingly fun, like a Social Network that I actually enjoy.…
This is from my weekly email series, The Weekly Mixtape. I’d appreciate it if you did this right and subscribed. And don’t forget to check your…
For years I’ve had an entrepreneurial itch warring with my practical desire for a steady paycheck and employer provided benefits. Finally, though, I decided it…
Ed. note: We are very excited to have another guest post, this one from Derek Goodman at Inbizability. Give it a read below, then be…
This is from my weekly email series, The Weekly Mixtape. I’d appreciate it if you did this right and subscribed. And don’t forget to check your…
After over a year of COVID sending the world down new, unprecedented paths, one of the side consequences has been a surge of people creating…