Basking In My Former Glory
This is from my weekly email series, The Weekly Mixtape. To get it the right way, please subscribe to the newsletter
Hey Indiepreneurs,
I’m living in my former glory. And, honestly, I don’t know what to do about it.
See, I made this website a long time ago (, which was actually a shift from a former website I made.
Honestly, I was as little lost on my intended audience. Sometimes I wrote for tax professionals, sometimes I wrote for everyone who tries to file taxes on their own. It was an unorganized mess. And the successful posts I more or less stumbled upon. I haven’t updated it since I started The Indiepreneur.
And yet…
I still get emails occasionally that let me know how many hits I get on the site. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I was getting hundreds of hits a day on this random post about how to use Bluebeam (a PDF software alternative to Adobe Acrobat) to make tax workpapers.
Keep in mind that the software version I’m using in the post is nearly a decade old. And I’ve done literally nothing to promote it.
I find it really weird.
The lesson I learn from all of this? I have no idea what’s actually going to be popular.
So inspiring, right?
And on that point, if there’s something that you would actually like to see, let me know. Because apparently I have no idea what I’m doing with this thing anymore.
The Links
- I love this: a Spotify algorithm to help you find unsigned bands you should like.
- Speaking of weird Spotify algorithms, I found this one back in December that rates how bad your listen habits Spotify are. It definitely called me on thinking I was cool for not listing to mainstream stuff. Which maybe goes into my problem of writing popular post…
Service Dog Update
Snow and dogs…well, they do mix. I wrote a whole post about that last week. But humans and 1 degree weather…less so.
I shouldn’t complain too much about the cold. I know that here in Colorado we were able to handle the surprise arctic blast much better than those in Texas, who are still struggling. But not being able to take the 9 month old puppy on his walks has led to way too much mischief.
The main victim in all of this is the cat. Sherman just won’t let Ceres alone, and when he can’t get his energy out and this creature is waving her paw at him like she wants to play, it leads to lots and lots of problems.
As a side note, Ceres is a great cat who is unwilling to actually scratch any living creature…except me. She will pounce at me (and JUST me), dig her claws into my leg and bite down as hard as she can. That’s her way of playing, and apparently I’m the only one in the house who will “play along.”
Anyway, I’m really looking forward to warmer weather, times when my jacket hood isn’t covered with ice from condensation after 20 minutes.